Friday, April 23, 2021

MAR: Visit the Parents, Doctor's Appointments, Surgery, Recovery, COVID Vaccine

March had a lot of doctor's visits. I mentioned in February’s post that I wanted to focus on my health and scheduled a lot of appointments for surgery and such, so I spent a lot of time on the road going to different appointments lol.

After going down and visiting the parents during the first weekend, I had my annual physical and found out that still have a vitamin D deficiency. Luckily, it’s not as bad as the previous year’s result where it was more drastic. Guess I can just keep on eating my vitamin D gummies like I’ve been doing for the past few months.

The next Monday, I went to my ear and nose surgery pre-op appointment to find out what I needed to do before my surgery on Thursday. I also had to take another Covid-19 test to be approved to go to the hospital for surgery. My nose hurt so much during that test! Definitely the worst Covid-19 test I’ve taken so far. 

On Thursday, Shelle drove me to the hospital for surgery. I was dumb and didn’t think to schedule my surgery for the morning, so I was starving all day since I couldn’t eat eight hours before surgery. I became even hungrier after I found out that my surgery was delayed for an hour lol. When it was time for my surgery, they rolled me into the operating room and knocked me out with anesthesia almost immediately. I woke up in a waiting room and had to stay there for 15 minutes with a nurse before I was ready to be rolled into another waiting room for Shelle to pick me and take me home. She had left before my surgery to pick up my prescription and make lunch and came back after my doctor called her after the surgery finished. After I changed my clothes and bled everywhere with my nosebleed (typical after surgery), Shelle took me home.

I spent the next couple of days in a haze recovering. I didn’t know just how much pain I was in until I realized that the reason why my eyes kept on constantly tearing up was because my face hurt so much. Luckily, my prescription strength painkillers helped make it easier to handle the pain. The most annoying part of recovering was that I was always dripping blood and drainage from my nose, so I used a whole tissue box during the first week. I also had to do a nasal saline solution with a squeeze bottle to drain out my nose twice a day, which was difficult to do in the beginning since my nose was constantly blocked with dried blood and mucus. Really gross times lol.

I had a follow-up appointment the next Friday. Luckily, my doctor said I was healing up very well. My ear looked good, and my nose was healing well. But I still have to do the nasal saline solution twice a day for a month before coming back for a follow-up shot for my ear. 

Earlier that week, Covid-19 vaccinations were open to the public, so Shelle, Kyle, and I scheduled our appointment ASAP and managed to get a slot at night at the Mercede-Benz Stadium on March 31st. We left work a little early and drove downtown. 

After we got to the parking lot, Shelle and Kyle pulled up their QR code needed for entrance, which is when I found out that I never received a confirmation email with a QR code after I scheduled my appointment. I panicked and called the phone number provided and found out that I was still able to get my shot. I just had to go to a different area to check-in again and had to go to a different spot to get my shot. My section was actually faster than Shelle and Kyle’s section, so after I spent 15 minutes in the waiting area after I got my vaccine, I spent 25 minutes reading outside in the little park area near the parking garage. 

So yeah, it was an eventful time this month. I had a lot of injections and surgeries and spent a lot of time recovering. 

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