Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Harry Potter, VR, Group Costumes, Weddings, Game Night, Dinners, Concerts, Thanksgiving, & Friendsgiving

I've been slacking on updates for the past couple of months. It's mainly because I've been busy, lazy, or procrastinating since I haven't really felt in a blogging mood for a while.

Plus, I was traveling a lot for a while, so I got backlogged on my travel posts. I think that made me more unmotivated to blog since I felt like I needed to get those posts out first. Now idgaf lol. I'll get to them eventually if I even want to do it anymore lol.

Here's a couple snapshots of how October and November has been for me!


Kyle, Michelle, Archana, Raj, David, and I got dinner together one Saturday. This was because Archana wanted to introduce us to her boyfriend before we went to go watch Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban in concert which had a live orchestra performing. It was awesome! I hadn't watch the movie in years, so I forgot how funny it was! And Raj was really nice and sweet, so I liked him, too, lol.

We did an Avengers VR thing with a bunch of Kyle and Michelle's friends. We got to put on these backpacks and helmets and helped fight against robots during Infinity War. It was pretty fun, and I want to go back since they have a scary VR scenario, too!

Michelle and I made canh chua, which is Vietnamese sweet and sour soup, for the first time. Mom's version was never spicy because she was worried my bro wouldn't be able to handle it, so it was our first time having a spicy version, and I was in love lol.

Then, for work, our team and some other people on our floor got together to do a giant team costume since we had a costume contest. We were all just a bunch of puns like identity theft, jack in the box, and formal apologies lol. We made this sign so people could try to figure us out.


Emily and Sean got married! It was a really pretty wedding; there was a waterfall for their backdrop! Pretty cold though, since it was outside lol. No matter, we had a lot of fun since we had rented out an Airbnb for the weekend and basically had a reunion with all of the boyfriends around lol.

This is a pic of Emily looking for Sean so she can surprise him with a first look! :D He cried when he saw her lol.

I got sick the next week, but that didn't stop David and me from going to Gibbs Gardens for the Japanese Maple Colorfest to see all of the pretty maple trees in fall. I've been wanting to go for a while as my birthday present lol. I doped up on medicine and almost coughed out a lung on the way there, but it was all good when we walked around the gardens.

Later that night, we went over to Archana's apartment for game night with a bunch of coworkers since we decided last minute to have a game night since it was Labor Day weekend lol. It was so fun and funny since almost everyone brought alcohol and snacks, so we were lit all night. There were a lot of memorable quotes like "loving can hurt" from when Archana serenaded us with her ukulele and "okay boomer" lol.

The next Friday, Jack and I took Ebony out for dinner and dessert since she was having a rough week with her husband. We ate dinner at Hello Chicken since they both haven't been there before, and then got dessert at the matcha cafe across the street. We tried the raindrop cake that went viral on the internet last year. It was pretty light, which was needed since we were still stuffed from dinner.

Last Monday, I went to Jay Park's Sexy 4eva concert with Kyle, Michelle, Sam, and her sis, Dominique. I wasn't super excited about his concert at first since I haven't listened to him for a while, but I started getting hyped after catching up with his music on Spotify. He's such a good performer with really smooth dance moves, which should have been expected since he started off as a bboy I think. Even his backup dancers were hot lol.

I also really liked one of his opening acts, Ted Park, who was really hyped and authentically himself even on stage.

Last Wednesday, we celebrated Thanksgiving at work with our yearly potluck. I ate so much food. It was great lol. Then, because it was happy hour at Starbucks a few hours later, we also went and got coffee to help fight the food coma from lunch. It was great!

This past Saturday, we had Friendsgiving at Alec's house, so I basically stuffed myself again. I definitely gained weight this past week lol. I also brought back a bunch of leftovers along with other food mom gave us, so we didn't need to food prep this week. -__-"

For actually Thanksgiving in the next few days, we're going down to visit the parentals and having seafood, I think. Then we're heading down to Florida for a cruise. So yeah, busy month!

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