
Tuesday, June 29, 2021

MAY: Mother's Day, Taemin's Concert, Ear/Nose Surgery Update, New York Trip

This will be a short post, mainly because I already talked about my New York trip lol. This was a short but eventful month!

For Mother's day, we came down to visit the parents. We wanted to order out food for mom, but she said she would rather cook food that she liked lol. So we spent that weekend stuffed to the brim as per usual lol.

The next weekend, Kyle and Shelle's friends came over to hangout. We ordered pho and played Quiplash for a bit. It's been so long since we played games with friends!

Then, they stayed to watch the first half of Taemin's Never Gonna Dance Again Concert in the theater room downstairs with us. This was his last concert before he enlisted to the army. It was so good! I was surprised that he had long hair again, and we spent a good amount of time discussing if it was extensions or he actually grew it out. That's mainly because SHINee just had their group activities not long ago, so how could he have time to grow it out so much?!

Anyway, I had my follow-up appointment with my ENT doctor that following Tuesday. He said that my ear and nose was healing nicely and that I wouldn't have to see him again unless I notice another bump on my ear! I just need to treat my ear and nose well since it'll take a year to fully heal, but yay! No more worries for now lol.

Then, that Friday, I drove over to Archana's place, and we flew to New York! You can read about our trip here and here. It was a fun 10 days full of food and walking lol.

So yeah, this was a fun month :D

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