October was surprisingly spent catching up with lots of friends.
The first weekend of the month, Shelle's best friends came over for lunch. Shelle and I made some food, Tiet and her fiance brought Thai food, and Tawanda brought dessert from Sweet Hut. And Amanda accompanied us on FaceTime on Shelle's laptop since she lives in New Jersey now lol. Either way, it was way too much food. We ate so much and then watched a bunch of Kpop music videos reminiscing about all of the old groups we used to stan lol.
The next Thursday, I got all four of my wisdom teeth taken out. I chose the local anesthesia option where they stick a needle in my arm, so I didn't have any funny laughing gas stories lol. But man, the anesthesia knocked me out. One minute, I was awake and answering the nurse's questions, and the next second, I woke up with the lower half of my face numb and dripping blood and salvia lol. Luckily, Shelle was there to take me home and pick up all of my medication. I didn't know that you'd have to take so much pills for this type of surgery. -__-"
I was dying that first day because I could barely eat anything. I ate porridge and soup the first and second day and just about died from hunger the whole time. As soon as I used the bathroom, I swear I was hungry again! Everything just went right through me! Luckily, we were going down to visit the parents that weekend and mom made pho that night. Eating noodles was actually pretty easy to chew, so I ended up eating way too much noodles because I was starving lol. Mom also made chao thit bo, banh xeo, roast beef and mashed potatoes, and fish ball hotpot that weekend. I was in heaven and hell every time I ate lmao. Luckily, I had the good painkillers and mainly only suffered after the meals were over lol.
That following week, I ended up reconnecting with a couple of friends. Tyler messaged me on Instgram and was like, are you free to talk? So we video called each other and caught up since we hadn't seen each other in a year. I told him about my breakup and he told me about his new relationship lol. It was super ironic since the roles were finally reversed. Before, I would tell him about my relationship and he would be single, but now he finally found a girl that makes him crazy lol. It was really nice to catch up though. It made me realize that I really do need to reach out more.
The next day, Marc called me. He actually wanted to poach me to go work at his company lol. I turned him down, and we ended up catching up since we haven't seen each other since we graduated. We definitely need to hangout soon though!
The next weekend, we visited grandma and grandpa for the first time in almost two years. Last year, we were busy every weekend to see them. This year, we didn't want to visit in case of spreading Covid to them. But we wore our facemasks and visited and talked to grandma for a while. Lol their restaurant business is still thriving, which is good. Grandma said that she likes being busy or else she'd get sick just sitting around the house.
Afterwards, we met up with Megan for lunch at an Indian restaurant called Curry Me Up. Apparently, she watched a girl do a mukbang eating Curry Me Up and was interested to try it out. The food was really good! They also had outdoor seating, so we ate outside and caught up on all of the gossip lol. Now, we're trying to convince Megan to get cousin tattoos lmao. I'm still trying to sell her on gingko leaves lol.
The next week, we spontaneously made plans to have dinner at Archana's place on Friday night. She told us that she was going to cook dinner for us and to just bring our appetite lol. I got there first, and she told me how she planned on cooking but didn't have time for it, so she ordered Indian takeout and threw away all of the containers lmao. She wanted to lie to everyone and have them think that she actually cooked everything, but I told Jack and Ebony about her conspiracy not long after they came, so we were joking and complimenting her cooking the whole night lol. It wasn't until the end of the night that she came clean, and then Jack and Ebony also told her that they already knew about it, so it was double the surprise for everyone lol.
Next Thursday, we had bad hurricanes hit the night before, so we woke up to no power and internet. I had already taken that Thursday and Friday off because I had a dentist appointment and extra vacation time to use, so I didn't even know that there were any problems that morning! I was just chilling, laying in bed reading on my phone lol. I saw that the internet wasn't working, but I thought it was just a small issue since that happens sometimes, so I just turned on my phone's data and didn't think about anything special lol. It wasn't until Shelle came by my room and told me that the power's been out since 4 AM that I realized there was a problem. Some trees also fell over onto the road outside of our neighborhood, so it was also hard to leave the house that morning.
Shelle and Kyle were worried about the power outage while I was just chilling and reading on my phone lol. The power people said that power should be restored at noon, but they eventually updated and said that it'd come back some time at night, so we just spent the day trying to not open the fridge as much as possible and using our power banks. The fallen trees outside of the neighborhood were moved later in the afternoon, so we went out for dinner so we could have some power again. Luckily, the power came back on by the time we went back home.
However, because we weren't sure if we'd have power by that night and because Kyle really needed power and internet the next day for work, I had called Archana to see how her situation was. She had power but no internet, but she told us to just come over anyway and she'd make breakfast for us lol. So even though we got our power back, Shelle and I went to have breakfast with her the next day since we both had a day off while Kyle stayed home to work.
Lavit also came over for breakfast and we caught up, and he told us while Archana was in her room in a meeting about his and Dom's plan to have a surprise birthday party for Archana that Sunday, November 1st. He had already told her that he was taking her out for dinner for her birthday, so he invited us over to his apartment to surprise her with Dom. The original plan was to go to temple with her during the day (which was her only birthday wish) and then head to Lavit's place for dinner after.
However, Lavit told us to pretend to cancel our dinner plans with Archana and then show up at his place later to really surprise her, so we told her that we couldn't make it to dinner because we had already made plans to hangout with Megan later since she still doesn't have power at her house (lol this was actually true). Instead, we went to temple with her on Saturday instead. It was really cool going there. I guess because of Covid, but there wasn't a lot of people there, which was good.
The next day, Megan came over. Our internet stopped working again the night before, so we mainly just talked and ate lol. Shelle made ox-tail stew and Japanese napa hotpot, and we watched a couple episodes of the first season of the Fruits Basket reboot since we all read the manga back in high school and had the DVD. Then, we headed over to Lavit's new apartment and hungout with him and Dom. Some of Archana's friends who hungout with her earlier in the day also came over for the surprise.
Lol I really don't know what Lavit was thinking when he told Archana that he was taking her out to a restaurant when he already was planning on taking her to his apartment. We spent 20 minutes trying to think of an excuse for him to get her to come up to his apartment! We finally decided on him picking her up and realizing that he forgot his wallet, so they'd have to go back to his apartment. He argued that she was going to want to just wait in his car, so I told him that he'd have to tell her to just come up and see his new apartment since he just moved in eight days ago. Later, he told her that's exactly what happened lmao.
We made it a double surprise. First, we turned off all of the lights and only had Dom in the kitchen with the birthday balloons. Then, once Dom said I have another surprise for you, the rest of us hanging out in Lavit's room would bust out and surprise her again. Lol, when Dom first jumped out and said surprise, Archana screamed. Then, Lavit almost gave us away because he tried to open the door to his room, and Shelle had to quickly close it until Dom said the key words. Then she was shocked again to see all of us. She told us that she really was disappointed when we told her the other day that we couldn't come to dinner, so she was really happy to see us and to meet Megan as well lol.
All in all, a very good birthday surprise. We ate ramen and played Cards Against Humanity before calling it a night since we had work the next day lol.
October was a good month. :)