
Thursday, October 12, 2017

Cover Lover 53

I haven't done one of these in a long time. I almost completely forgot about it! However, I've been reading a lot lately (I know! I've been reading actual books instead of online manga, lol), and I remembered about my love for book covers! These covers are actually old now, but I still really like them! Ugh, I wish I was this good at design, lol.

I found this website called Creative Market which has a Free Goods section which gives you free designs from patterns to typography to themes to illustrations every week. Every week, they offer up to nine free goods that you can download. Although you have to be a paid member to get all nine free goods, six of them are still free for nonpaying members, which is more than enough to keep you satisfied in my opinion, lol.

I've been downloading the ones that I like for the past few months, and every time I see the new goods every week, I'm inspired to create and design. Then I remember that I don't have Adobe on my laptop to do anything. -__-" I really need to get at least the student version of Adobe since I can't really go to school and use their computers anymore now that I've graduated, lol. Maybe I'll do that soon!

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