
Monday, December 16, 2013

tv shows are my new obsession

If you haven't noticed lately, I've kind of been ignoring reading and Kpop in favor of watching tv shows ever since this summer when Shanice and I watched Season 3a of Teen Wolf together. Actually, it started a lot earlier than that now that I think about it.

In May, I ended up going to the movies a lot with my friends and family for some reason. Then I watched an amazing drama and an equally amazing anime before Shanice and I started movie hopping the rest of the summer. It just kind of spiraled downhill ever since then, especially because of Teen Wolf and Supernatural

Once I finally got hooked into Supernatural, I knew that I would be spending a long time catching up with the series, but man, it's one thing to think about it in the beginning with no real end in sight and another to realize that I've basically spent this whole semester watching Supernatural in between classes and projects and having some form of a social life.

It's kind of crazy to realize that I'm finally, basically, up to date on Supernatural (I've only got a few more episodes to catch up with this season). c: Now I don't have to automatically scroll down whenever someone reblogs a Supernatural post on Tumblr so that I won't accidentally read a spoiler for this new season, lol. I'm kind of sad that I can't just watch as many episodes as I can whenever I want for the new season though since it's not over yet. XD

But yeah, my summer was full of movies and my fall semester was full of tv shows, and I've barely had anytime to read anything other than fanfiction. :\ Now that I'm basically caught up on Supernatural, I can finally get to some other tv shows on my list in Netflix, like season two of Once Upon a Time and Fringe and starting Dexter and Revolution. :D

Not to mention, I've been meaning to start watching some of the new series that's come out this fall to see if I'll stick with them in the long run like The Tomorrow People, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and Sleepy Hallow, which I've heard good things for all three shows.

The semester's finally over, which means three glorious weeks to do whatever the hell I want, which means catching up on shows and my YouTube subscriptions. XD Though, of course most of the current shows' last episode aired last week or will air this week before resuming after new years, which means that I'll be halfway through with a season before completely forgetting about it once classes start up again. -__-"

But hopefully I'll get around to reading at least some books, because I still have an unhealthy amount of unread books in my room, lol.

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