
Saturday, July 20, 2013


The other day, I got Shanice interested in a YouTuber that I follow called danisnotonfire. We ended up watching a couple of his videos about the internet and Tumblr, and we totally related to one of his videos called "FANDOMS".

Basically, he talks about how you suddenly get sucked into fandom because of the internet, which eventually leaves you rocking back and forth on the floor reeling in feels every time you log onto the internet, especially Tumblr.

But yeah, because of Teen Wolf, we've been really sucked into the fandom because Tumblr is a terrible enabler with brilliant gifsets and fics and edits that causes us too many feels.

If you have an obsession with a TV show, movie, band, or all three, you will probably relate to this video. :P If you don't, you can at least enjoy his British accent. XD

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