
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Last Day at Concessions (This Semester)

I'm surprised that I'm not as tired as I was last week after getting off of work, but then again, I only worked for around six hours today unlike last weekend, which was around 7-11 hours a day. Man, I about died those days! My feet were killing me!

But yeah, we have work tomorrow night until Saturday, but I can't make it because I have my night lab tomorrow night, and I'm going to Momocon with the rest of my friends right after class on Friday. Momocon lasts all weekend, so Tawanda and I definitely won't be able to work at the games since we'll be in Atlanta. :P

I'm kind of sad that this is the last week of the basketball season, because I've bonded with all of my co-workers these last few games, and it's not gonna be the same not being able to see all of them (and goofing off) every week now. A couple of them are trying to get work at the food court, so I might be able to see them, but if they aren't going to work at concessions next semester once basketball season starts again, I'll only be able to see them around campus. :\

Well, I have some of their numbers, so maybe I will hang out with them some time. :)

Anyway, Momocon is only a few days away! I'm excited! This is my first anime convention! The only cosplay I've got is my Ash Ketchum costume that I put together last year for Homecoming Week. I forgot my gloves at home though, so I'm hoping that I'll find a cheap pair somewhere when I'm shopping with Lauren tomorrow. 

I'm a little worried about taking the Marta back to Lauren's house so late at night, but I think it'll be fine. We'll only be doing it for two days anyway. 

And next week is Spring Break anyway, so hopefully, I'll be able to catch up on reading and reviewing! :D And watching movies and maybe a drama or two if I really feel like not catching up on sleep, lol. I just can't wait for Astronomy to be over on Friday so that my weekend can officially start. :)

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