
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Settings I'd Like To See More Of (Or At All)

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by the Broke and Bookish.

Top Five Settings I'd Like To See More Of (Or At All):

1. Alien planet
There's so much that you could do on an alien planet! The setting, the culture, the technology! So much leeway! Not to mention the crazy things that you could make up! XD

2. Conventions
When I say conventions, I kind of meant Comic Con or any anime convention, lol. I think that it'd be an awesomely nerdy book. Sort of like the stories from Geektastic, but with reluctant protagonists instead who learns that it's okay to embrace your nerdiness and be yourself. 

3. College
I'm interested in the whole New Adult genre, but I haven't read any yet, so I don't know how I feel about them (since the main difference is the inclusion of sex). Either way, I would love to read books about college students and their lives and how they switch majors and make new friends and join clubs and all of the stuff that I'm doing now.

4. Stores
I think that you could do a lot with stores. Like, they're so versitile since there's so much stuff you could do in them. For example, Monument 14 takes place in a store during an apocalypse, but you could also have a cute romance in a store where a shopper has a crush on a worker, or two workers bond over stocking items. Or it could be like Dash & Lily's Book of Dares and have little messages for people in books in stores. So many possibilities!

5. Overseas
Even more possibilities! Not to mention the vast amount of cultures you could write about! I've always wanted to travel, so I think that book settings in other countries is great because you get to basically experience the culture there while reading. 

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