
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Challenge Over!

I finally finished that month long challenge! I didn't participate everyday like I had hoped to, but I did the majority of them, so I still feel accomplished. :P

Also, since I already had a scheduled list of things to post last month, I have a bunch of posts drafted that are basically ready to be posted for this month. That means that I won't be completely disappearing off the face of the earth for a while again! :P

I wish I had more time/motivation to write about everything that's happened and what I've been thinking lately, but blogging usually gets put on the back-burner. What's sad is the fact that I still think up what to say for posts while I'm busy doing stuff, but I never have time to get on my laptop and type it up, or by the time that I do log on, I had already forgotten what I had originally wanted to post. -__-"

Anyway, I had fun doing the challenge. It reminded me how much I liked reading books and how disappointed I was with quite a bit of them, lol. Hopefully I'll have time to read some more since Fall Break starts next Thursday. It's only a four-day weekend, and I'm planning on going to the fair with my friends on one day, so... we'll see. :D

That's it for now!


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